The Private Landlords Survey provides a snap-shot of the composition and experience of landlords and how they, together with any agent, acquire, let, manage and maintain privately rented accommodation.

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A similar survey of private landlords was carried out by the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) in 2001, 2003 and 2006. These and the 2010 survey were based on information collated on the DCLG’s main housing survey.

Respondents taking part in the 2007-08 English House Condition Survey (EHCS) and the 2008-09 English Housing Survey (EHS) who were recorded as private renters were asked to provide details of their landlord. These details formed the main sample for the 2010 Private Landlords Survey.

The 2010 Private Landlords Survey thus consisted of 1,051 face-to-face and telephone interviews with landlords and agents who own and/or manage 1,109 dwellings included in the original EHCS or EHS survey.

Interviews were carried out in April and May 2010. Some information, for example the length of current tenancy, age of dwelling, state of repair of the sampled property, were derived direct from the English House Condition Survey and English Housing Survey data. The combining of two years, one of the English House Condition Survey and one of the English Housing Survey, is needed because the number of private renters in any one year is small. Combining years enables the Private Landlords Survey to provide a profile of the private rented sector for England.

Further Information

The Private Landlords Survey 2010 (published 18 October 2011) and related tables can be found here.
