You are being invited to take part in a research study. Before you decide it is important for you to understand why the research is being done and what it will involve. Please take time to read the following information carefully in order to decide whether or not you wish to take part discuss it with others if you wish.

If there is anything that is not clear or you would like more information, please contact me to discuss. Thank you for reading this.

What is the purpose of the study?

The purpose of the study is to look at whether there are inconsistencies in the enforcement of the Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) when used for excess cold hazards. It has been suggested that – depending where a property is located in England or Wales – landlords could be asked to do different works for the same issue. Furthermore, it has also been suggested that the guidance available to Environmental Health Officers may give rise to such inconsistency. The study will explore this.

Full details are available here.

Thank you participating in this study. Your input is vital and very much appreciated.