The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has published the 2nd edition of the Q&A on its guidance document ‘E.coli O157: control of cross-contamination’.

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This new version of the Q&A addresses a number of issues that have arisen since the original document was published in June 2011. Among the issues addressed are:

  • expanded information on the scientific basis of the guidance
  • a definition of ‘complex equipment’
  • detailed advice on ‘temporary clean areas’ applicable to ALL food businesses
  • advice on the preparation and use of fruit and vegetables for ready-to-eat foods
  • advice on the use of probe thermometers

FSA will continue to respond to all enquiries about the guidance, and has set up a dedicated mailbox at :- [email protected].

The Q&A will continue to be updated when new issues emerge.

Further Information

The latest revision (Nov 2011) E. coli O157: Control of cross-contamination – Your questions answered, can be found here