Modern day managers and health & safety professionals are bombarded with advice and pressure from every angle.  Phone calls from companies trying to sell services or training and implying that without their help managers could face imprisonment.  There is a whole industry trying to sell you compliance with national and international standards, sometimes falsely claiming that their standard will provide that suit of armour to fend off enforcement and litigation. There are industry and HSE guidelines that are often mistakenly viewed as prescriptive requirement.  Oh – and don’t forget the persecution in the press!  You can’t even go to a bar these days without someone expressing a view on what should be done.  All this advice confuses people and can reduce confidence.

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Risk Led Safety will be released on 17th July for £21.99. It is available for pre-order at Amazon & Blackwell’s Bookshop Online.

More recently, the government report written by Professor Lofstedt, Reclaiming Health & Safety for All,  has made the case for the better implementation of risk-led evidence-driven management in the field of health & safety.  What is unclear in his report, in existing HSE guidance, or indeed in many health & safety training courses, is just what does risk-led evidence-driven health & safety management look like?  This book is a collection ideas that provides some answers to this fundamental question.  The ideas can be threaded together to form the foundation of a management system, or sampled to augment what organisations already have in place.

Both Chris Jerman and I have followed careers which have explored the implementation of these ideas in many organisations of various sizes and industries.  We have been fortunate to have worked in both food and engineering manufacturing environments, in retail of different types, for police and other emergency services, hospitals, and for government agencies like the Environment Agency.  In all cases we introduced and tested the ideas included in our book.  We have yet to find an industry sector that will not benefit from the approach we describe, either from the improvement of safety performance or from ensuring efficient application of resources.

We hope that Risk-led Safety, Evidence-driven Management will prove to be a beacon in the storm of health & safety opinions that knock on the doors of organisations every day.  It strips the law back to its basic elements and focuses on its spirit and intent.  It dismisses needlessly complicated ideology to reveal perhaps what Lord Robens really had in mind.  So if you want a book that uses plain and simple language to explain what the law is really asking you to do, then this is the book for you.  In it you will learn fresh ideas that will enable you to:

  • use the arguments of reasonableness more effectively.
  • identify precisely which risk assessments you need and those you don’t.
  • avoid common mistakes when risk assessing.
  • develop a risk management system through defining which risks are the most significant.
  • develop a pragmatic approach to risk control.
  • engage employees, managers and the Board and encourage them all to be responsive.
  • implement any necessary changes into the workplace.

The authors have over 45 years of experience between them.  This is a no nonsense book by health & safety practitioners who have learnt their craft from doing it.  Both health & safety practitioners and those responsible for enforcement will find equal value in the pages of this book.
