An off-licence and grocery store in Shepherds Bush is £740 out of pocket after being found guilty of flytipping.

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Hammersmith & Fulham (H&F) Council’s street scene enforcement officers discovered illegally dumped black bags containing plastic packaging and empty bottles in August last year at the junction of Lime Grove and Goldhawk Road. The officers were able to track the bags back to A Jazz on Goldhawk Road.

At Hammersmith Magistrates Court, on September 25, the shop was fined £400 for fly tipping offences and £325 for failing to produce trade waste documents. A victim’s charge of £15 was also imposed.

Cllr Greg Smith, Deputy Leader, said: “We have some of the cleanest streets in London and we refuse to sit back and allow litterbugs to treat them with such disdain. The message is clear – if you want to get rid if your trade waste, make sure you do so legally or be ready to pay the consequences.”