Two Beeston men were handed a £2000 penalty after pleading guilty to nine Food Safety Offences and three Health and Safety at Work offences.

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The managers of Diablos take away premises on Central Avenue pleaded guilty to the offences at Nottingham Magistrates Court last month.

Mr Akhzar Ahfaq of Beeston was registered as the food business operator whilst Mr Ashir Mehmood of Beeston, 25, was also involved in the running of the business.

Several visits were made by Broxtowe Borough Council’s Environmental Health Officers but due to the deterioration of the premises Food Hygiene Improvement Notices were served. The premises were visited again by two Environmental Health Officers and the premises were found to be in an unsatisfactory state with bins uncovered and not emptied, dirty cleaning materials, no grease filters in place in the ventilation system. There was no clean apron available for the food handling staff to wear, the training records revealed not every food handlers had certificates despite advice previously given by the Environmental Health Officer.

Mr. Ahfaq and Mr. Mehmood were prosecuted for nine Food Hygiene offences and three Health & Safety Offences.

Both Mr. Ahfaq and Mr. Mehmood attended a hearing on 16 September 2013 and entered guilty pleas to the above charges.

Mr. Ahfaq stated in mitigation that improvements have been made since the inspection and they have tried to rectify all the mistakes they have made and are continuing to do so. However the Magistrates stated the way they conducted the business was ‘unacceptable’ and had been appalled at the conditions at the premises.

The Magistrates sentenced the Defendants. Mr. Ahfaq was fined £150.00 in relation to the Food Hygiene Offences and £350.00 in relation to the Health & Safety Offences. Mr. Mehmood was fined £1000.00 in relation to the Health & Safety Offences and £500.00 in relation to the Food Hygiene Offences. The total penalty was £2000.