A chip shop owner has been fined almost £2,000 for failing to maintain the necessary standards of food hygiene at Kirton Fish Bar, High Street, Kirton in Lindsey. (Photo Gallery Below)
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Charanjit Hundel, owner of Kirton Fish Bar, was prosecuted by North Lincolnshire Council at Scunthorpe Magistrates Court on 26 October 2011.
He was ordered to pay £1,965 in fines and costs from offences discovered during a routine inspection on 23 September 2010.
Mr Hundel pleaded guilty to failing to ensure the food premises were kept clean and maintained in good repair and condition, for failing to ensure adequate hand washing facilities were provided and for failing to maintain a permanent food management system.
Food hygiene standards at the chip shop have now improved and have since been maintained at an acceptable level.
Cllr Nigel Sherwood, cabinet member for Highways and Neighbourhoods at North Lincolnshire Council, said: “All premises that serve or produce food must have systems in place to ensure food is produced safely and that records are kept to show the correct procedures have been followed.
”The council takes all food hygiene offences seriously and we will take action against anyone who puts consumers at risk.”
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