HMO Licensing Oxford: Part 1 – Progress & Impact
In the first of this three part series we take a look at the progress and impact of Oxford City Council’s groundbreaking new licensing scheme.
In the first of this three part series we take a look at the progress and impact of Oxford City Council’s groundbreaking new licensing scheme.
A new report ‘Poor homes, poor health- to heat or to eat? Private sector tenant choices in 2012′, details the stark choices for private tenants on benefits and increased demands on the NHS.
Halfway through the parliamentary term, the coalition Government is failing to fix Britain’s broken housing market, Shelter said today.
The latest research from BDRC Continental’s independent Landlords’ Panel survey reveals that four fifths of Britain’s private landlords say their properties are their pensions. Here’s how they are planning for their retirement (questions were multi-choice)
The latest research from BDRC Continental’s Landlords’ Panel reveals that almost three quarters of Britain’s private landlords trust their gut instincts when vetting potential new tenants.
Complaints about landlords to local councils have increased by 27% in the last three years, a Shelter investigation has revealed (Video Embedded).