Respondent: Alex Zadah
Applicant: Vivenne SedgleyMarkus Rafferty

Gemma Rosen

Maud Fargetton

Francois Fourmy

Alexandre Fourmy

Katarzyna Wolenska

Mia Jing Gao

Claire Harpur

Damien Thubert

Alfred Thibon

Mariam Mouffak

Eyram Kofi Adjogatse

Natalie Vanderpany

Subject Property: 78 Adelaide Road, London, NW3 3PX
Date of Application:
Date of Decision: 10 April 2012
Case Ref: LON/00AG/HMA/2012/0001

This case involves an Application for Rent Repayment Order made by 14 Tenants. The London Panel awarded the order and for the Respondent to pay the Tenants a total of £11,183.59.

Decision file available here (Word).