Food Safety: Encentre food safety inspection survey
Recent research by Encentre into the field of regulatory intelligence and data management has led to some interesting findings. Some of these findings included:
Recent research by Encentre into the field of regulatory intelligence and data management has led to some interesting findings. Some of these findings included:
The former owner of Pizza Pan in Frodsham has been fined by magistrates for running unhygienic and dirty premises.
Property owners who allowed their empty houses to attract vermin and who failed to provide information to the city council have been prosecuted.
Clearing out the rubbish from his car onto a District verge has cost a former litter picker £1,000 in court fines and costs.
A gas oven, which failed to have a safety certificate, could have caused a North Kesteven resident serious harm had it not been for District Council Officers stepping in to help.