by theEHP | Jun 8, 2012 | Food Safety, Food Safety, Research, Store
The Food Standards Agency saw an increase in the number of food incidents it investigated last year. These included reports of contaminated or illegal food entering the food chain, with some potentially harmful to the public.
by theEHP | May 25, 2012 | Housing, Housing, Research, Store
The latest research from BDRC Continental’s independent Landlords Panel survey reveals that more than one in four private landlords don’t owe anything on their rental properties.
by theEHP | May 24, 2012 | British Standards, Fire, Guidance, Health & Safety, Housing, Store
BS 9991:2011 gives recommendations and guidance on the design, management and use of the following building types, to achieve reasonable standards of fire safety for all people in and around:
-Dwellings (single-family dwelling houses, self-contained flats or maisonettes);
-Residential accommodation blocks (e.g. for students or hospital staff), with individual bedrooms and the provision of kitchen/sanitary facilities constructed within a fire compartment, accommodating not more than six persons;
-Sheltered housing and extra care housing.
by theEHP | May 24, 2012 | British Standards, Fire, Guidance, Housing, Store
BS 5839 gives best-practice recommendations for the design and installation of fire alarms and fire detectors in buildings. This includes domestic facilities designed to accommodate a single family. The standard covers both new and existing buildings, and looks at how changes in technology, custom and practice, and the guidance that supports building regulations, influence fire safety.
by theEHP | May 24, 2012 | British Standards, Fire, Guidance, Health & Safety, Housing, Store
BS 5839-1:2002+A2:2008 sets the standard for fire detection and alarm systems in non-residential buildings. This code of practice gives essential guidance on effective design, installation and maintenance. And these are the latest recommendations on protecting your organization through fire detection and prevention.
by theEHP | May 23, 2012 | British Standards, Electrical Safety, Guidance, Health & Safety, Housing, Store
BS 7671:2008 + Amendment1:2011 outlines IET wiring regulations and how to maintain technical standards in line with the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC). The guidelines cover all aspects of designing and installing electrical wiring and temporary or permanent power systems in buildings.