Housing: Understanding landlords and their effect on public policy
The Strategic Society Centre, a London-based public policy think-tank, has published new research and policy analysis about private landlords in the UK.
The Strategic Society Centre, a London-based public policy think-tank, has published new research and policy analysis about private landlords in the UK.
A new report from Shelter claims to have uncovered the damaging impact of a childhood spent in England’s volatile private rental market.
A strict enforcement line has seen Oxford become one of the toughest local authorities in the UK for private sector housing standards. There is a significant amount of enforcement work being carried out on the non-compliant part of the HMO stock
theEHP consistently reported on Local Authority prosecutions. As part of our 2012 review, we have carried out an analysis of Environmental Health prosecution.
The number of homeowners boosting their earnings by taking in lodgers has risen for the seventh consecutive year
In the second of this three part series, we take a look at the impact of licensing on the availability of private sector rental accommodation and rental prices.